Number of players: | 444 |
Total villages: | 4.409 (9.93 per player) |
Player villages: | 1.083 |
Barbarian villages: | 3.317 |
Bonus villages: | 696 |
Server status: | Open |
Server run-time: | 1515 days |
Players online: | 29 |
Messages sent: | 150 (0.34 per player) |
Forum posts: | 0 (0.00 per player) |
Troop movements: | 121 (0.27 per player) |
Trade movements: | 82 (0.18 per player) |
Number of tribes: | 17 |
Number of players in tribes: | 33 |
Total points: | 2.005.953 (4.518 per player, 455 per village) |
Total resources: |
Total troops: |
Average troops per player: |
Average troops per village: |
Newest player: | marcohiruma |
Newest tribe: | VNDT |
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