Map Ranking


Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Points per village
1 MarXotkin oly 78.473 11 7134
2 TooooEeasy Solo 41.280 8 5160
3 aristos oly 34.415 7 4916
4 alphaMuffin2 oly 31.493 6 5249
5 fierra001 Ff 11.461 4 2865
6 spiltmilk 11.374 4 2844
7 ShArK* 9.018 1 9018
8 the hell have eyes 6.941 2 3471
9 hungandchiseled 6.778 2 3389
10 Stonyhomie 6.636 1 6636
11 kondziu WTF 5.976 2 2988
12 briangio 4.932 3 1644
13 MrToxicFlamer 4.742 1 4742
14 Haigs 4.247 2 2124
15 thanwasom 4.238 1 4238
16 Hacettepe 4.041 1 4041
17 ciscokidx 3.802 2 1901
18 killerkatzi 3.623 2 1812
19 Butota 3.526 3 1175
20 AwesomeCookies 3.210 1 3210
21 Arctic Fox 3.058 1 3058
22 Clydedosomething 2.943 1 2943
23 Tobi221298 WTF 2.930 1 2930
24 SaMaRiTaN 2.167 1 2167
25 Aldeia Tupam 2.153 1 2153
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